4 Ways to Leverage AI Tools Without Losing Your Authentic Voice

AI can be a game-changer for journalists and communicators, but it’s important to remember that it’s just a tool that needs to be handled carefully. I’ve been experimenting with AI in my work, and here’s what I’ve learned: it can take over the tedious stuff, but it should never replace the human touch that makes our content authentic.

1. Automate the Tedious, But Keep the Creative Control

AI tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly can help streamline some of the more repetitive tasks, such as drafting newsletters, emails, or the initial version of an article. But while these tools can save time, keeping the creative reins in your hands is crucial. As Dave Isaac of Gregory FCA mentioned on my podcast, “People often go for the home run, right? They want to go 100%, do the whole thing. And it’s like, you don’t need that. Take some singles and doubles, play small ball.”

This approach works for me. Use AI to get things moving, but always ensure your unique voice and insights shape the final product.

 2. Customize AI, But Stay in the Driver’s Seat

One of the smartest ways I’ve found to use AI is by customizing tools like ChatGPT to better understand my style and audience. Setting up custom instructions can help ensure that the content AI generates aligns more closely with how I want to communicate. However, it’s important not to let the tool dictate the outcome. As I discussed with Dave, it’s about getting “more juice from your squeeze” by letting AI handle some aspects but never fully relinquishing control.

 3. Be Skeptical and Always Verify

Fact-checking has always been a cornerstone of good journalism, and that doesn’t change with AI in the mix. It becomes even more critical. Dave Isaac and I shared experiences where AI-generated content included fabricated quotes or inaccurate information. “Thank goodness that you have a fact-checking process,” Dave remarked, underscoring the importance of not taking AI’s outputs at face value.

For me, this means double-checking everything AI produces, especially when sourcing quotes or data. If something seems off, it probably is—and that’s when I dig deeper or reach out directly to sources.

 4. Use AI to Enhance Your Workflow, Not Replace It

AI can make our work more efficient, but it’s not about ultimately handing over the reins. Tools like Otter.ai can transcribe interviews and help generate summaries, but the real storytelling—pulling together the most compelling quotes and shaping the narrative—still comes down to us. As Dave put it, “There are a lot more efficiencies than you’d kind of think on the surface.” But those efficiencies should support, not overshadow, the human elements of our work.

 Final Thoughts

AI offers incredible potential for journalists and communicators but is not a magic solution. When used thoughtfully, it’s a tool that can enhance your work without overshadowing the unique human qualities that make your content stand out. So, use AI to streamline your process, but always bring your expertise, creativity, and critical thinking to the table. That’s how you’ll keep your work authentic and impactful.


This post is based on a recent podcast with Dave Isaac. AI tools helped with editing, headline writing, and fact-checking. Learn to use AI responsibly in your work as writers, communicators, and reporters through my upcoming webinars or coaching sessions. Let’s maintain authenticity in your content while utilizing AI.

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